The Gebrüder Weiss holding, headquartered in Lauterach, Austria, is a global provider of comprehensive logistics services. The history of this family-owned company began over 500 years ago in the Alps, with freight deliveries. Today, the company operates in 180 locations and employs approximately 8,400 people.
Gebrüder Weiss delivers goods all over the world. For 550 years. How have we been successful so long? With employees who love to get things moving. If you’d enjoy making the logistics of the future even smarter and, above all, more sustainable, then become part of the global Gebrüder Weiss network.
Position: Land Transport Operations Planner_LTL Import
Working hours: Full time (09:00-18:00), Monday to Friday, On-site
Location: Europe Str. 4, 0198 Tbilisi, Georgia
Looking forward to your application! 📩
The first step in our direction:
Send your CV in English with indication of Job Title in subject line to the email:
Gebruder Weiss LLC provides equal opportunity to the candidates and employees during the pre-contractual and contractual relations and does not discriminate any of them by differentiating or excluding, or giving preference on purpose or by negligence due to race, skin color, language, ethnicity and/or social belongings, nationality, origin, material status or position, status of employment agreement, place of residence, age, sex, sexual orientation, handicap, health condition, religious, public, belonging to political or other unions, including professional association, marital status, political or other affiliations or on any other grounds. During the pre-contractual and contractual relations, including job vacancy announcement/recruitment process and selection employer may obtain information of the candidate only based on his/her professional skills, theoretical knowledge, practical experience linked to the performance of work and evaluates the ability of the employee to work on the particular position.
Please note, based on necessity of the open position, company can request additional documentation, also can process your information and check its correctness. Company shall retain your information for 2 years after submission for the further job openings. By submitting your information to this advertisement, you consent to abovementioned rules. In case of questions and further clarifications on any of the points, please contact us: Gebruder Weiss LLC, Europe str. 4,