
Overland transport administrator

03 თებერვალი - 05 მარტი
Europe St, თბილისი
არ არის მითითებული
დასაქმების ტიპი
არ არის მითითებული
სამუშაოს ტიპი
არ არის მითითებული
სამუშაო საათები
09:00 - 18:00
ქართული, English
2-3 წელი

ვაკანსიის აღწერა

International Transport and Logistics Company Gebrüder Weiss LLC (Tbilisi, Georgia) www.gw-world.ge is announcing an opening for position in Overland Transport Administrator.


With a history of over 550 years, Gebrüder Weiss is the oldest logistics company in the world - and one of the most successful. The foundation of this success? Our employees. Because we give them

the freedom to find new approaches and play an active part in shaping the future - at more than 180 locations worldwide. Excellent career prospects for all people who love mobility.


Position: Overland Transport Administrator.

Working hours: Full time (09:00-18:00), Monday to Friday, On-site.

Location: Europe Str. 4, 0198 Tbilisi, Georgia.



  • Organizing and supervising daily Transport process in both Import and Export directions
  • Daily contact with consolidation hubs to ensure smooth import transportation
  • Planning shipments and coordination with providers
  • Daily coordination with Logistics, Customs and other departments to ensure timely and correct information flow and ensure timely processing of the shipment
  • Daily upload and update transportation related information in company electronic systems
  • Preparing receipt documents for imported goods
  • Supervising and coordinating of self-pickup service
  • Preparing price offers and quotations according to company standards
  • Monitoring of outstanding invoices in the system (booking, scanning, etc)
  • Contributing to market evaluation, service development, support in acquiring new clients
  • Supporting Department in other required activities
  • Regular contact with clients during transportation and supporting in all processes
  • Ensuring service quality and customer satisfaction
  • Contributing to success and financial wellbeing of the company
  • Acting in accordance to international Transport Regulation as well as in line with company internal rules.


  • At least 2 year working experience
  • Experience in Transport and Forwarding
  • Bachelor’s degree in Business related field
  • Excellent written and verbal communication in Georgian and English is absolute must
  • Good computer skills


  • An exciting and diverse field of activity
  • International working environment
  • Attractive framework conditions as well as benefits
  • Free space for own ideas and to implement them

We look forward to receiving your applications.

Gebruder Weiss LLC provides equal opportunity to the candidates and employees during the pre-contractual and contractual relations and does not discriminate any of them by differentiating or excluding, or giving preference on purpose or by negligence due to race, skin color, language, ethnicity and/or social belongings, nationality, origin, material status or position, status of employment agreement, place of residence, age, sex, sexual orientation, handicap, health condition, religious, public, belonging to political or other unions, including professional association, marital status, political or other affiliations or on any other grounds. During the pre-contractual and contractual relations, including job vacancy announcement/recruitment process and selection employer may obtain information of the candidate only based on his/her professional skills, theoretical knowledge, practical experience linked to the performance of work and evaluates the ability of the employee to work on the particular position.

Please note, based on necessity of the open position, company can request additional documentation, also can process your information and check its correctness. Company shall retain your information for 2 years after submission for the further job openings. By submitting your information to this advertisement, you consent to abovementioned rules. In case of questions and further clarifications on any of the points, please contact us: Gebruder Weiss LLC, Europe str. 4, hr.georgia@gw-world.com.


Europe St, თბილისი, საქართველო
სოციალური ქსელები
03 თებერვალი - 05 მარტი