You can use our Business Profile free of charge and digitalize recruitment process from posting a job, including managing aplicants and analyzing results.
Business Mobile Application
Download our recruitment application (Awork Business App), manage recieved applicant and reach out to them using your smartphones.
Job-Seeker Mobile App
90% of Job-Seekers are searching for a Job using smartphones. Our Mobile App has 65,000+ Downloads and Website is optimized for all mobile devices, ensuring a smooth application process for all candidates.
Weekly Updates
You can use weekly Updates and we will reposition your job post to the top of the listings per week in order to help you attract more candidates.
CV Folder
Increase the positioning of your company on the site and will allow the job seeker to submit their CV anytime, which you will receive in a specific section on your profile
CV Bank
Access the Database of Job Seekers whose profiles are visible for businesses. Pay only when unlocking details.
Marketing Activities
Our Marketing team can promote your job posting via Social Media, SMS & Email campaigns to increase the reach and leads.
Company Page Branding
You can customize your own page for job seekers, increase brand awareness and positioning.
Account Manager
Every company registered on Awork benefits from the assistance of an Account Manager, who can help you to have the best possible recruitment experience.